Maxi Foods Group

Make local trading easier.

Get your Maxi Foods
Customer Account Card today!

The Maxi Foods Group is benefiting local business by offering account cards to approved applicants.

The purpose of the card is to provide a 30-day trading account for business transactions. A monthly statement will provide a summary of GST business transactions allowing business deductions to be better managed.

The Maxi Foods Account Card allows approved cardholders* to purchase grocery and liquor items at any of the Maxi Foods Regional Supermarkets including Blake Family Grocers.

*Subject to approval.

How to complete the Account Card Application

You will need Adobe Reader to be able to view and edit this file.
You can download that here.

If you are familiar with digital signatures and Adobe, you can download the PDF by clicking the link ‘Digital Signature’.
You can then complete the PDF on your computer and send it back to us without the need to print it out.

If you don’t have a digital signature, you can still complete it on your computer, download and use the PDF
by clicking the link ‘Digital Signature’.

If you wish to print the form, click the ‘Hand Written & Signed’ button and download to your computer.
You can print out the form and complete it manually. You can return it to us via the following methods:

Fax: (03) 03 5470 6723
Post: PO Box 352 Castlemaine VIC 3450

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