Homemade Pasta – Fettuccini Pesto

As the pasta making machine was engaged, I decided to make a delicious fettuccini with pesto sauce.  One of the wonderful attributes to this type of cooking is that the ingredients you use are all selected and cooked by you.  You know everything that is in your food.


The pasta was pretty simple, 3 eggs, 300gms flour and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.  That’s it!  The method is on the website or Facebook under ‘Roasted Pumpkin Ravioli’.






3 eggs

300gms ‘Tipo 00’ flour (available at Maxi)

2 tablespoons of olive oil




1 cup of fresh basil leaves

300gms roasted pine nuts

½ cup grated parmesan cheese (I used Grana Padano)

½ cup olive oil


To make the pesto sauce, blend all the ingredients in a blender.  That’s it!


The pasta will cook in about 3 minutes.


Mix and eat.  This meal is delicious and so easy to make.


Remember to sprinkle lots of grated parmesan on top.

