Spicy Australian Brandied poached dried fruit

You have all read my posts where I don’t believe we should wait for December to enjoy the delights of Christmas food.  Today I poached Australian dried fruits with brandy and spices.  OMG! This is so good words cannot explain, but facial expressions can!


In your pot, bring to the boil 1 cup of brown sugar with 2 to 2.5 cups of water, two cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean scrapings (and the bean), a teaspoon of mixed spice, about 12 cloves and a good splash of brandy.  I gave mine a really good splash of brandy!  The alcohol evaporates early but the flavour remains. Boil for 2 minutes.


Now turn down the stove to the lowest possible heat setting and add 500g of Australian dried fruit.  I added pears, apples, prunes, peaches and apricots.   Given the fruit is dried, 500g is a lot of fruit.  Let it simmer for 30 mins, slowly turn it over occasionally so all the fruit absorbs the liquid. 


Remove and discard the cinnamon stocks and vanilla bean. Let it cool and slap on a dollop of freshly whipped cream.




You can place these fruits in their liquid into sealed glass jars for storage in the refrigerator, guaranteeing a week’s supply of excellent lock down food.  


You can eat this as a meal.  Who needs savoury food?


Stay well, enjoy isolation!