Bright and zesty coriander summer salad

It is said that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, so when I could not find a coriander salad to suit my tase, I made my own!   Coriander; love it, hate it, whatever!  This is a great salad.  Easy to make, easy to eat, looks good, tastes great and it’s good for you!


1 quarter red cabbage, finely chopped

3 carrots, peeled and grated

100gm fresh bean shoots

half a cucumber, chopped

a large handful of freshly washed coriander

a good sprinkle of coarsely ground pepper

s light sprinkle of dried chilli flakes or freshly chopped red chilli

a good pinch of salt

lime juice, freshly squeezed

a good pour of olive oil

- Remember, the secret to the salad is the tossing!  Toss it all together and please report your results!


Brendan Blake